Dudin, Parid M
Analisis Manajemen Syariah Terhadap Kebijakan Pizza Hut Delevery Dalam Penanganan Sumber Daya Manusia Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
(Studi Pada Pizza Hut Delevery Lewiliang Kabupaten Bogor).
Bachelor thesis, Institut Agama Islam Sahid Bogor.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, restaurant entrepreneurs used various ways to encourage sales, including the pick-up strategy to create roadside booths like what Pizza Hut did. So it takes human resource management by G.R. Terry, namely POAC, planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. the rules of working in the Islamic religion in order to achieve goals optimally and can apply sharia management well in this era of globalization. This method uses qualitative interviews at Pizza Hut Delevery Lewiliang, Bogor Regency. So the results of this study in the Pizza Hut Delivery Policy in handling human resources during the covid-19 pandemic are the policy of recruiting new employees in the process of hiring employees, remuneration, policies for providing benefits and facilities for employees based on the Ministry of Manpower Regulation, Systematic Planning Policy employee assessment, policies are required to carry out health protocols, and training program policies. Sharia management analysis of Pizza Hut Delivery policies in handling human resources during the covid-19 pandemic is Health Policy, Human Resources Working Hours Policy, Salary and Honorarium Policy, Bonus Policy , Transfer and Promotion Policy, Policy on Termination of Human Resources in the Pandemic.
Keywords: Sharia Management, Handling Human Resources, Policies on Covid-19
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